Teen Fashion Tips for Girls: For a Look That Gets Noticed!

Up until the time you're in your pre-teens, it's most likely that Mom has done much of your clothes shopping. Many girls, when they hit their teens, naturally want to start choosing their own fashions, but in many cases, all you've got to go on is what the rest of the girls are wearing, in stark contrast to Mom's taste. You want to fit in with the times, but a lack of shopping experience may lead you to a somewhat extreme departure from 'kids' clothing, resulting in clothes purchased that eat up too much of your budget, or items that make Mom shriek! Most girls need a few teen fashion tips, to make the most of your shopping dollars and fashion quotient! Here, we've got the scoop on teen fashion tips, for girls just like you.
You doubtless are ready to make a fashion statement of your own, but may not know where to begin. Your first step, before going shopping, is to consider your budget. These days, very few of us have an unlimited budget. That's the bad news. On the other hand, there's some good news: a carefully planned shopping trip and fashion goals can virtually eliminate that down side.
Teen fashion tips are only as good as they are useful, right? Here's where to start creating a terrific wardrobe that doesn't break the bank. Go through some of the teen fashion magazines and cut out pages of particular clothing items you love. The item may be of a cut or color you find appealing, or have detailing, such as lace or pleats that suits you perfectly. Don't forget to clip pages with shoes, hand bags and jewelry you'd like to have. Lay these pics out on your desk and see how many of your favored picks might be worn with another item. For example, that lace-trimmed beige cotton blouse could look great with belted jeans, or with a dressy suede skirt. Depending on where you live, that suede skirt may be worn in summer, with high-heeled sandals, or in winter, with boots. To summarize the first of our teen fashion tips, look for clothing that can be teamed with several other items in your closet.
The best teen fashion tips allow you to make the most of your budget, without looking like that was your intent. Shopping the sales is one way to accomplish this goal. This means you'll want to have some cash in reserve for those surprise two-day only type sales, so don't spend your cash all in one shopping trip. Another approach is to frequent the thrift shops?you never know when you'll find that one-of-a-kind item at a cheap price. Besides clothing, look for jewelry and shoes as well. These shops also carry retro items, if you're into that area of fashion. Timing matters too?you'll find the best selection of fall clothes in late summer. Bathing suits start hitting the racks in mid-spring. Jewelry is a year-round affair.
Our list of teen fashion tips wouldn't be complete if we didn't mention fit. Many teens?and adult women?are still into the mindset of wishing they were a size 7 instead of a size 9 and buy the smaller size just to stroke their ego, so to speak. Bad mistake! Too-tight clothing does not a fashion diva make! Go for clothing that fits comfortably?this avoids getting the looks you don't want from the guys and is also slimming and more flattering to your figure.
You can see that many of these teen fashion tips are largely common sense. The problem for most teens is the plan of attack, but you've got that now! Color coordinated clothes and accessories, with an emphasis on the mix and match concept, doesn't negate the fact that you can have an ultra-original wardrobe that makes a fashion statement, with you as the trend setter!
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5130764


First Date Tips: Making A Great First Impression On Women

The GuyGetsGirl dating guide is full of first date tips. First date tips such as ALWAYS look your best. I know this sounds REALLY obvious but you'd be surprised by how many men don't follow first date tips and don't understand the importance of this simple tip. You never know when the girl of your dreams will turn up, or where. And it's become a bit of a cliché because it's true -- first impressions really do count so you should pay close attention to the first date tips offered here and in the GuyGetsGirl guide.
Here are some first date tips figures to consider from my studies.
First date tips...If you make a GOOD first impression on a woman, you have a 90% chance of EVER getting with her at that point (10% of women for whatever reason will be unreachable for most men at ANY point - she might like women herself etc).
First date tips...If you make a BAD first impression your chances with her reduce drastically to just 20%. This means that to make her attracted to you AFTER the first 3 minutes of meeting her will be incredibly difficult if her first impressions of you were bad.
It's the difference between climbing a mountain and using a helicopter to fly up one. Good first impressions means you're on your way to the top in the helicopter, bad first impressions means you have a difficult climb to success - no helicopters for you.
Honestly, I can't stress this enough - (very important first date tips) always try to look your best.
5 S's of first date tips for first impressions.
First date tips - Shave. Shower. Stylish. Smell. Shoes.
Remember these 5 S's first date tips and always take care of them before you go out.
Why are shoes my number 5 S of my first date tips top 5?
Your shoes are the FIRST thing a woman really notices about your clothing and hence your appearance. A first date tips tip is for you to make sure your shoes are clean and fashionable.
First Date Tips...A very important first date tips tip is that you should be careful what you wear because what you wear is very important. For first date tips I could try to recommend a certain look but as with all things fashionable by the time you read this it may have changed.
First Date Tips...Get the latest GQ magazine or other fashionable men's magazine's (they have great clothing first date tips) and imitate the styles you see there -- most women don't really care what labels you are wearing as long as you look good so you don't have to spend the Earth on clothing.
First Date Tips...Many guys who read the first date tips in the first date tips guide I help dress better usually comment on how strange they feel wearing clothes they are uncomfortable in, but nine times out of 10 they start to feel natural and even confident wearing their new wardrobe within days.
First Date Tips...Make sure you smell good. Again this is extremely important. Remember how you feel when a woman walks by you and she smells soooo good - you feel an instant attraction even though you don't know her - well, that's how women feel too.
First Date Tips...Wear a good-quality cologne, but don't spray too much.
First Date Tips...One squirt on both sides of the neck, and one squirt on both wrists -- maximum. You don't want to smell too overpowering.
First Date Tips...I recommend cool water by Davidoff or John Paul Gautier for Men (often called JPG love juice because women love it) if they don't sell it where you are try to order some from abroad, this stuff is GREAT!
And here's a GREAT little SECRET that I have found will help you actually pickup about 24% of women without SAYING a word to them! Not a single word! And NO rejection either. You won't find this anywhere else either. What you need to do is...
To read reviews about the top selling and most effective dating services on the web go to datingservicesreviewed.wordpress.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/370515


Tips on Becoming and Leading a Celebrity Lifestyle!

Anyone can be a celebrity! That's really true!
You just need to know the strategies to pave the path for your celebrity destination. However, once you know the tricks of the trade, you need to consistently strive to
Who Is a Celebrity?
A celebrity is a person who has already attained a status in the society. A celebrity is variously known as 'glitterati', 'well-known person', or 'a person who is famous in any field, with specific importance to the field of entertainment'.
Be a Celebrity at Zero Cost
Celebrities are not only born; and celebrities are also made. You too can be a celebrity... and that too at no cost! And, believe me, you don't need any dough to achieve that status.
Then, what does it require to be a celebrity. Well, the cue is that the celebrity status is yours for the asking.
The Celebrity Price
All it requires is a bit of determination wedded to grit and to vow by the words 'Never say die!'
Such persons have attained this position owing to their concentrated dedication to their job. They have further wedded to it the added qualities of not just being a hard worker but also a smart worker.
The Role Of Celebrity
The role of a celebrity is of quite significance. This is primarily because they become the role models for thousands of others harboring the dreams of becoming celebrities. These ardent followers look up to their idols for almost every course of action. As a result, the celebrity transforms into a demigod!
Such blind faith in the ideal person makes them totally blind to all foibles of the celebrity.
Lifestyle Of Celebrities
It is against this backdrop that the lifestyles of the celebrities become the models for their follower. Obviously, all celebrities need to be on constant guard insofar as their day-to-day behavior is concerned.
Besides the role model of a celebrity, this icon is always under the scanner - not just of the media but also of his supporters as well as his detractors.
The celebrities must always endeavor to set examples to others. Most of the celebrities follow the philosophy of simple living and high thinking. Their hard and concentrated labor gets doubly reflected in their personality.
Celebrity: Combination Of Qualities
Celebrities are born out of a combination of two important qualities. These are those of being a hard worker and also a smart worker. Now what is the connotation of these terms 'hard worker' and 'smart worker'.
Well, let's try to analyze the meaning with reference to a real-life situation.
Peter, a lumberjack was employed. The person was handed over the axe and asked to saw the wood at the factory. The dedicated lumberjack took the job very seriously. He didn't even go for lunch, and didn't take the tea break. He kept on cutting the woods continuously.
As he went to collect his day's wages, the manager tendered him the papers. In other words, he was sacked after working for the scheduled eight hours at the end of the very first day. The flabbergasted lumberjack asked the manager the cause for the extreme action taken against him. The manager showed the sad and shocked lumberjack the quantity of wood cut by him and then compared it with the amounts of his compatriots.
The lumberjack failed to understand the huge gap in the results.
The reason was that the lumberjack was a really hard worker, and just a hard worker. Actually, the lumberjack didn't know how to be a smart worker.
The manager asked him a simple question, "Did you even once sharpen your axe?"
The poor lumberjack realized his folly, finally.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5252245


The Real Truth About Celebrities

Celebrities have a mesmerizing personality charisma. Fans, followers, journalists, paparazzi and even the critics want to know each and every thing in the life of celebrities. What they are up to, where they hang out, what are the projects they are working on, why they behave like this and like that! The quest never ends. Newspapers and television programs try their best to hunt for the latest sizzling celebrity news, hot and happening celebrity photos and spicy celebrity gossips.
People are fascinated about the glamour and glory of the world of celebrities. This is the life of ease and comfort with all the amenities, name and fame; this is what they think. Fans look at their heroes as if they were the denizens from some other world or the stars descended upon the earth.
But this is only the other side of the celebrity world. Celebrities don't attain the dizzy heights of eminence overnight. Scores of years of relentless efforts, diligence and perseverance are what make a celebrity. So many compromises and adjustments they have to make. Most of the celebrities in the world have made their way through out of nothing. Sometimes they may have trampled down someone else as well to achieve what they wanted to. Even when enjoying the fruits of success, these famous personalities have to go through many ordeals.
It may be taken as a harsh fact or some may even call it the necessity of the celeb life. Many of these celebrities have at least two faces; one for a public display and the other a private one. You can get my point if you have a look at some of the exclusive celebrity pictures available.
For example a photo showing Angelina Jolie in some casual moments and the other one showing her in Kashmir (India) with simple folks or a pick capturing contemplative Charlize Theron in Johannesburg and the other one showing her in Malibu posing for paparazzi will prove the point. These celebrities too are the human beings with all feelings and sensations awake. Their public life makes them put a mask of mannerism on their faces. But actually many of these celebrities yearn for a simple quiet life.
Are these celebrities allowed a single moment privacy? Hardly they are. Always sought after by the paparazzi, they can hardly be all themselves. That's what makes them famous; but after a few years these personalities start asking themselves a grave question: "Is my life worth living?" Imagine what Lindsay Lohan must have gone through when the media went trailing her around when she was drinking and when her lose fitting halter top and a forceful breeze made her even go topless before the world. What an embarrassment for her!
The world of fashion for instance, has got its own evil face. If a model wants to elbow her way through in this field, he/ she will have to please many in every way possible. That's what is called a struggle in simple words. When we read the news about the sex scandals and mental tortures in the celebrity world, it should make this other black side visible.
The huge amassment of wealth is yet another major concern for the celebrities. How to spend this money becomes the problem. Celebrities lose their peace of mind. And then comes the news of some superstar sniffing drugs, indulging in wanton sexual pleasures or getting arrested for some illegal activities. Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Michael Jackson are proof enough.
No one is completely white or completely black. We all are gray. People make a mistake in expecting their heroes to be perfect in every possible manner. Celebrities, too, do have their own flaws and frailties. They remain unnoticed and this becomes the reason enough for someone like me to reveal the real truth about celebrities.
Josepha Jain has coordinated with the sites:-

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4902222


Celebrity News - Why It Will Never End

Celebrity news, not to mention celebrity gossip, is avidly followed by millions worldwide. People obviously love to hear about their favourite celebrity. And whether it is good or bad news does not seem to matter too much.
There is a multimillion dollar industry that acts as the disseminator of celebrity news.
Many of us may not actually buy the celebrity magazines but we will catch a glimpse of their headlines at the local store or on the newsstands. The TV news channels will also keep us up to date with any celebrity scandals and most people will spend part of their day thinking about a particular story, however briefly.
Don't we have more important things to occupy our thoughts?
Of course we do but the, sometimes ridiculous, actions of a celebrity often provide us with some light relief and help us to forget our own mundane problems.
Some individuals are celebrity fixated or often verging on being celebrity obsessive. Is that a healthy state of mind? Does that say something negative about what we think of ourselves as individuals?
But, like it or not, the 'celebrity news gossip' is here to stay. People want to hear about the lives of the celebrities and they will hunt down the latest, news snippets wherever they can find them.
A celebrity is naturally a human being prone to all the usual failings that most of us suffer. But their professional lives often set them apart as something different, unique and special; almost as if they inhabited a totally different world to us mere mortals!
And in many ways that can make them appear unreal and two-dimensional.
But the latest celebrity gossip, those spicy, slices of information about an individual's personal life, often seem to bring our special celebrity within reach and back down to earth with a bump. We like to know just who their latest love partner is, why they have lost or gained weight or how they got drunk on that special celebrity occasion.
Celebrity pictures are now the big draw. Many of us like to see those candid photos that often seem to expose the 'real' person behind the celebrity.
So the celebrity news and the accompanying celebrity photos help us to really get to know - or so we believe - our celebrity. The personal information puts flesh on the celebrity body. We begin to see our celebrities as real people - just like us perhaps - and they start to emerge as three-dimensional entities that we can relate to and love or hate as the fancy takes us.
In the golden age of stardom, people often put their celebrity stars high up on a pedestal. Celebrity news was often officially or unofficially censored to filter out the unsavoury aspects of a person's personality or actions. Today, we want to know our celebrity warts and all!
Celebrity news is primarily entertaining but also acts as exposure and publicity. But people also love to read gossip; those words that can either be true or false.
And, as long as there are people who want celebrity news and gossip, the journalists and photographers will expend their energy finding or fabricating it for us.
Author's Note
Love it or loathe it, Celebrity News can still be fascinating.
Visit us now for the Latest Hollywood Gossip - updated on the hour - and more!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6393375


How Celebrity is Celebrity

What really makes a celebrity a true celebrity? Is it the news coverage? The pursuit of tabloids? Perhaps sheer popularity is what drives us to call movie stars, musicians, and politicians celebrities. If that is the case, are the non-traditional stars celebrities as well?
In order to find a satisfactory answer to this dilemma, one must look for a celebrity index. CelebrityContest.net has developed an algorithm to assign a value to a celebrity, much as stocks are assigned a monetary value in order for site visitors or members to build celebrity portfolio. The algorithm takes into consideration the amount and timing of news items pertaining to celebrities as well as the popularity of the celebrity as a portion of online portfolios. But does this adequately measure the amount of celebrity status an individual has achieved?
To determine this, we need to consider what celebrity actually means. The American Heritage Dictionary defines celebrity as "a famous person," or "renown, fame." That definition is very broad indeed. To be renown is to simply be well-known. Osama Bin Laden is well-known, but does not necessarily have the same following as Jessica Alba. By this definition, however, they are both celebrities.
Thus, to be a celebrity, one must be either famous or infamous, and the distinction is not relevant. By this same token, individuals who have developed a following in unconventional ways such as the internet or reality programming are certainly celebrities as well - albeit some have more global coverage than others. So to measure the amount of celebrity an individual has obtained, one would simply need to measure his or her popularity.
Measuring Popularity
Before the information age, to measure popularity would involve countless newspaper and magazine searches. Print resources as well as television and radio contained any and all celebrity news and gossip. With the advent of the internet, this changed, of course. In present times, the internet has not only opened countless doors to those aspiring to stardom, but has developed a multitude of news and gossip outlets as well.
Most of the conventional media outlets - magazines, newspapers, radio, and television have developed an online presence. Often these websites contain more information pertaining to celebrities than the original medium. Those interested in entertainment news now have almost countless methods to find the information they seek.
The fastest way to find information online, however, is through the search engines. Major search engines index all web pages and online news items as they are developed, and offer users a chance to hone in on the desired material. Searching for celebrities will pull up thousands, if not millions, of relevant results. It follows that by simply counting the number of searches and articles for each celebrity, one could understand the popularity of that individual.
Celebrity Contest
It seems the algorithm developed by CelebrityContest.net holds true. The algorithm assigns value to a celebrity based on the number and age of news items and searches, which is the best indicator of popularity. Of course, the algorithm also includes results from CelebrityContest.net, which are a valid indicator as well.
If a celebrity is popular, he or she will be included in many portfolios. If he is becoming blasé, he will be dropped from portfolios in favor of more popular individuals. If a celebrity is looking for a gauge of her own value, she can perform a complicated web analysis, or simply track her price changes on CelebrityContest.net to understand how her fan base is feeling. Of course, fans can search for the value of their favorite celebrity, and even cash in on the details only devoted fans are privy to - insider trading if you will.
celebrity. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Retrieved October 29, 2006, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/celebrity
For additional gossip, news, and the opportunity to buy and sell the most popular celebrities in the world today, visit CelebrityContest.net [http://celebritycontest.net]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/343990


Celebrity Makeup Secrets: How To Get Your Best Look Ever With Celebrity Tips And Products!

Why does celebrity makeup always look so perfect?
Celebrity makeup artists have tons of tips and techniques for applying makeup that most people never heard of! Want to be one of the few in-the-know? We've gathered some great ones for you right here! Here you will learn some great makeup application secrets to get your most flattering eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, concealer, foundation, blush and lips ever
Celebrity Eyes:
Makeup artists have many tricks up their sleeves to make celebrities' eyes pop! They first put an eye shadow primer or some foundation on the eyelids, so that the eye shadow has something to hold onto. For eye shadow colors, they'll select three shades which are variations on the same color (i.e. light green, medium green, and dark green), or in the same neutral color family (i.e. beige, brown, and dark brown). They will put the lightest color on the brow bone, the medium color on the lid, and the darkest color in the crease. This will emphasize the shape of the eyes and make them stand out!
Other tricks for glammed-up, red carpet eyes include lining the lower inner rim of the eyes with a white pencil to make them appear bigger and applying shimmery clear lip gloss to the top eyelids to make eyes sparkle. Celebrity makeup artists also apply shimmer powder under the brow bone to draw more attention to the eye area and they always smude eyeliner with a Q-tip to make it look less severe or smokier.
To create cat-eyes (like Brigitte Bardot in the sixties or Pamela Anderson today), celebrity makeup artists use dark brown or black eyeliner to exaggerate the end of the eye so it turns up slightly. If you decide to go this route, remember that smudging is the key to perfecting this look!
Celebrity Eyelashes:
Celebrity makeup artists also have many secrets for eyelashes! They always curl eyelashes first to maximize length and curl. They then dust them with powder which makes the eyelashes look much thicker after the mascara is applied! Celebrity makeup artists will often use two coats of mascara, the first will be a lengthening or separating formula, and the second, a thickening formula, to max out eyelash potential! Mascara clumps are combed out between coats.
For special occasions celebrities may use false eyelashes (their secret is dark eyelash glue) or may have eyelash extensions applied which are semi-permanent variations.
Celebrity Eyebrows:
Celebrity makeup artists know that enhancing the shape of the eyebrows is one of the most dramatic ways to improve a celebrity's appearance. Celebrity makeup artists use Treezerman brand tweezers most often to shape eyebrows. They tweeze the hairs under the arch of the eyebrow to further emphasize it and pluck away any strays. Eyebrows are filled in with the feathery strokes of an eyebrow pencil in either "blonde "or "taupe" for blondes, "auburn" for redheads, and light brown or medium brown for brunettes. Only black-haired gals should fill in their eyebrows with a "dark brown" eyebrow pencil" and nobody should use a black eyebrow pencil as it looks too severe. A secret weapon of celebrity makeup artists is brow sealant, which keeps this brow look in shape all day.
Celebrity Concealer:
Amazing Concealer by Amazing Cosmetics is favored by many celebrity makeup artists. Concealer is usually applied with an eye shadow brush. It is applied in thin layers which are "built up" until the blemish is covered. Concealer typically is applied before foundation. For really red blemishes, makeup artists often use a green concealer first which tones the redness down under foundation.
Celebrity Foundation:
Laura Mercier Foundation is very popular with celebrities. Foundation is usually applied by celebrity makeup artists with a sponge for the most natural looking coverage. Celebrity makeup artists use a foundation primer which is worn between your moisturizer and your foundation. This product refines the skin and helps foundation stay in place all day. If you can't spring just yet for celebrity products, try Revlon's Color Stay Foundation with Soft-flex, which stays in place all day and comes in an extensive variety of shades.
Celebrity Powder:
Celebrity makeup artists almost always use loose powder in a translucent or skin matching shade. They will apply it with a puff and then dust it away with a big brush, or will apply it with the big brush, being sure to shake off any excess first. Then the celebrity will carry around a pressed powder or blotting papers in her evening bag for touch ups. Some celebrities skip powder all together for their dry skinned clients. Powder is great for keeping foundation in place for the longest period of time, however.
Celebrity Blush:
Nars and Stila blushes are very popular with celebrity makeup artists. While these are powder blushes, there are other makeup artists who prefer gel blush because of the dewy, healthy glow it imparts. Blush is never applied with anything but a big, fluffy brush. It is applied on the apples of the cheeks in circles, or is swept from the apples to the hair line. Shimmery blushes like Nars blush in Torrid can make the cheeks appear to be glowing, according to celebrity fans.
Celebrity Lips:
MAC lipliner in Spice is the shade thought to most closely resemble natural lip color for most people and is a favorite of celebrity makeup artists. Celebrities often use lip-plumping products like City Lips and LipFusion which have both won awards from Good Housekeeping! Lip gloss is applied at least to the center of the bottom lip to make it look fuller.
Sara Liz, M.A. is the Editor-in-Chief for Celebrity-Beauty-Secret-Goldmine.com. Visit http://www.celebrity-beauty-tip-goldmine.com for tons more celebrity beauty secrets for your body, hair, makeup, nails, skin, style, and weight-loss.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/302072


Indian Hair Extensions For Strength And Glossy Look

One of the trending topics today across the African American beauty salons is Indian hair. It is a hair extension product which is quite hot. These extensions are very famous among African American woman because they are adaptive and flexible. These extensions can be directly worn with curl patterns. They can also be straightened by flat ironing for silky look.
This is a very cost efficient product and can be purchased in various verities. Some companies may demand more for the same product so it is ethical to compare prices before making any decisions. These products are selling rapidly as these women are rushing to buy them. These products are becoming demanding products of present salon market.
They are raw items, purchased and sold in its original state. These are collected directly from Indian woman and sold in the US market. US beauty companies treats them and colors them if necessary then sells them to the local buyers. These can be obtained in variable length which is up to 36 inches and are completely tangle less. This is the reason behind this huge market demand.
Weaves and extensions business is one of the massive revenue generating branch of beauty product business. Both the involved parties like exporters and importers are getting benefited here. History reveals that ancient Egyptians used such kind of products and this became famous in modern world since last decade. Today people prefer these products to enhance their hairstyle. These can be used to add length, thicken the style etc.
It is important to understand why people prefer only this product on other similar products. These are good looking and are glossy which makes them stand apart from other products. These products are natural and no chemical treatment will be done. They are shiny because the dark color can reflect more and it is high in contrast. This reflection and contrast makes them shinier and glossy.
Straight strands reflect more light than curly as there will be more space for the light. Indian people take good care of their hairs and there will be no usage of chemicals hence these are stronger and desirable. This ethnicity is preferred because of all these reasons. There are some expensive categories in these extensions which are pure and not chemically treated. The prefix virgin indicates pure and Remy indicates the chemical treatment of such extensions.
Sacrifice of hairs to the god is one of the Indian beliefs. These hairs are natural and can be obtained in full length which is very good to prepare extensions. These are more prominent and can blend with almost any ethnicity. African American women prefer them as they know what blends better with their extensions. Black and brown combination always matches and gives a glossy look.
Indian hair extensions lasts long if a good care is taken. These extensions are healthy and beautiful compared to any others. This is why they are priced high and they actually worth it. The cost spent on these items can be considered as investment as they last long. With high quality, easy blend and long life they are the most desirable extensions.
You can visit the website stores.indianhairstore.com for more helpful information about Indian Hair Extensions To Enhance Your Beauty


How To Dress Like Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian and her family have been everywhere lately. You turn on the TV and you must see Kim Kardashian or one of her sisters. They have literally conquered the world. Are they famous for anything? Maybe not but the Kardashian sisters definitely have a unique sense of style when it comes to dressing up and looking fab all year long.

Kim Kardashian, the most famous of the Kardashian clan, is undeniably a diva and a sex icon with her exotic look and diva attitude. Kim is always seen wearing designer gowns, shoes, jewelry and handbags. She appreciates her sexy feminine curves and dresses accordingly. She is very confident in her own skin and always makes sure that the world knows how alluring and seductive she is by showing off her sexy womanly curves.For a red carpet event, Kim dazzles in body hugging gowns and above the knee dresses to show her toned and tan legs. Kim loves flashy, look-at-me statement jewelry and necklaces. In addition to the expensive jewelry Kim wears, she spends a lot on money on designer bags and has definitely popularized the Chanel Ice Cube bag.

Kim was seen sporting over the top high heels whether they are Christian Louboutin or Dolce and Gabbana 6 or even 9-inch heels. Black shoes and heels are a must with Kim Kardashain's wardrobe style. If you look at her pictures on the Internet, you will notice that she loves wearing black heels. Her sisters have admitted to Kim's shopping addiction on their family show Keeping Up with The Kardashians. Glam for Kim Kardashian is a day and night job. She almost always looks like she spent hours and hours in the salon.

Kim's make-up is dramatic to say the least; she wears smokey black or brown eye shadow and lots and lots of mascara and sometimes fake eye lashes. Her lips are luscious but she wears light shades to complement her eyes and look classy.

Kim Kardashian loves white she actually mentioned that in one of her interviews. White would definitely flatter her because she has a natural tan which she inherited from her Armenian father, the famous lawyer Robert Kardashain.
Surprisingly enough, Kim Kardashian can look like a smart yet sexy business women too. She runs an empire of a clothing line, reality show, endorsed tens of brands with her sisters and now she is a recording artist making a record with the famous record producer, the Dream. In a business meeting Kim Kardashian would wear a basic white top and a tailored fitted skirt.

For wardrobe style advice, tips and more check out www.lemonlash.com.
Sam A http://www.LemonLash.com
By: Sammy A
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com


Eyebrow rings- A cool fashion statement for people

Eyebrow rings are fairly latest types of jewelry which are climbing in popularity. Even when, they seem peculiar, but there is enormous customers of youths who only pick for eyebrow rings. Those that need to seem special in character pick to really go with this sort of human anatomy jewelry. Such jewellery comes in several designs and could be chosen to fit your character. These can be found in a myriad of designs that'll suit with your character. You may also get eyebrow rings which are in a genuine ring shape.

Today children don't have confidence in caring for their make-ups and attires only, they differentiate the worth of accessorizing. And while referring to accessorizing it not just the items like a string or perhaps a bracelet, they've urbanized a charm for human anatomyjewelry for example Eyebrow Jewelry and eyebrow rings.

Eyebrow rings set out together with the kinds of selfgoverning picture these days the children would prefer to depict. Each one of these human anatomy jewelry help them say clearly to the planet which they're exceptional and different.

Since there are various modes a latest new design, eyebrow rings could be worn in several ways. The right method to get the one for you personally is simple to seem. The appearance and character of the wearer totally transformed with the trend of wearing eyebrow rings.

Such little pieces of jewellery also adjoin selfconfidence to how you consider and really enhance how you look.

On the complete, various kinds of eyebrow rings can really cost from everywhere $5 to more. It's all based in the material as well as the sort of ring you pick on your own. Additionally, you will find individuals with logos as well as other carvings costing higher in relation to the rings.

Lots of individuals use eyebrow ring on just one eyebrow, this appears fairly trendy and hip. You are able to choose same colour tone or setting off designs for each of of the jewelry onhuman anatomy, if you're doting of using human anatomy jewelry. Mix and match also seem quite trendy. However, there are comparatively some brow rings available and many designs inhuman anatomy jewelry, hence there are adequate choices for you to really appear posh and cool.

Garnet is really a stone for jewelry and folks like to wear rings mostly due to their curative properties. You can purchase Garnet Rings for its curative properties and for treating heart related illnesses and blood.

Garnet rings appear amazing in all kinds of stone settings and in each of the designs. You definitely have to keep a watch out for the bargains available on the marketplace so you can attract a great one if you're intending to purchase Garnet Rings then. You ought to have the ability to appraise these rings before you purchase them. You'll be able to use your good sense to see the cuts, colour and finish of the jewel even should you maybe not know much about garnets. The stone must have clear colour.

Since the worth of the jewel will end up low should you purchase the main one with imperfections before you purchase Garnet Rings search for imperfections keenly.
You have to be a bit more careful whenever you purchase Garnet Rings if you discover a truly cheap bargain then. Garnet is gemstone for individuals born in January. You are able to purchase Garnet Rings for the appealing and amazing appearances, even if it's maybe not your birth stone. This deep burgundy and reddish colour readily captures attention of each eye and jewel appears amazing in white gold. Garnets alter colour in lights of various colours and can be found in various colours of red, pink, orange and maybe even green.

Garnets are considered to be found deep within the world similar to the diamonds. In comparison to cubic zirconia people frequently get confused between garnets and ruby due to their reddish color and these have considerably higher color density. Egyptians believed that should they bury the people by using their garnet then it might shield them within their life after death.

Even now people purchase Garnet Rings and put them on for encouraging good health. It's known to treat blood related problems, temperature and infections. It's also considered to supply protection against toxin and throughout the travel. 

They're not really expensive in comparison to other gems and you also may acquire a distinctive design by combining it by other valuable gems.


4 Killer Tips to Master Various Forms of Bollywood Dance

As the Bollywood movies often depict the contemporary lifestyles of the Indians, the dances are a combination of multiple dance steps. The growing popularity of Indian movies in foreign countries has made the Bollywood songs and dances popular in various parts of the world. So the people residing outside India can easily learn and perform the popular Bollywood dance styles.

1. Attend Dance Classes: With more and more girls showing interest in Indian dance, may dancing institutions offer Bollywood dance classes. You can join a course of your choice and learn the dance steps from a qualified i.nstructor However, this mode of learning requires learners to dedicate some amount of time on a daily basis to learn and practice the Bollywooddance steps. But you can easily master this dance form without putting much effort, as theinstructor can help you in overcoming your limitations.

2. Consider Taking Dance Lessons Online: If you do not find the time required to attend Bollywood dance classes, you can consider taking dance lessons online. You can find many websites helping learners in polishing their techniques and learn new combinations. Most of the websites also feature trained, experienced and professional Bollywood dancers to train and guide the learners. The online mode of learning Bollywood dance is also popular among many learners due to their flexible nature and affordable fees structure. Normally, a learner has to pay about $10 to learn the dance style for one month.

3. Concentrate on Learning the Emotions and Expressions:In Bollywood movies, the songs and dances are used for several purposes. Some of the dance numbers are included in the storyline of the movies to entertain the masses. At the same time, the songs and dances are often used as a way to express the feelings of the characters and taking the plot of the movie forwards. So the person interested in performing Bollywood dance must observe and imitate the expressions of the performer. Sometimes you need to watch the full movie to understand the importance of the dance number. You must spend some time in imitating the expressions exactly to leave a huge impression on the minds of the audience.

4. Watch Online Videos featuring Popular Bollywood Dancers: Irrespective of the mode of learning chosen by you, it is also very much important to practice the dance style and steps on a daily basis. You also need to watch the online video clips to understand the nuisances of Bollywood dance. Further, you can refer to the online articles and blog posts written by professional dancers to understand the history of this dance form. The additional knowledge will help you in performing the contemporary Bollywood dances along with the dance style of a bygone era.


Fashion Trends For Mens

By: Bernd Meier
When it comes to designer clothes, everyone is aware of the fact that they do not come cheap at all. This reality often makes some concerned persons to wonder aloud whether designer clothes are worth their high price tags. Some consumers actually love the high prices. Considering the quality of materials, the efforts that it took to create them, the advertising efforts and the state of art, when it comes to the control of the production, it is almost perfect. The fact that fashion designer clothes are respected for their high quality and uniquely finished garments cannot be doubted.

Most men wouldn’t be seen in anything but designer clothes and even though there is the conception of women being the label lovers, in many cases men can be just the same! Everyone wants to look and feel good so it is no wonder that brands are selling well. Despite the current climate there is a huge sense of brand desire and men and women are desperate to get their hands on designer labels that they can show off to their friends and family. Men’s designer clothing in particular will always be popular. There is a huge demand for it and you only need to look at the successful businessmen in the big cities who wear their smart designer suits to understand the label appeal. Men around the globe have started to give higher importance on their looks and dressing sense. The market now is very competitive and some real bargains can be found online, all it takes is just a little bit of research. When you think of designer labels, you may immediately think of high prices, but you do not realize how affordable designer labels can be when you shop at the correct places. Luxury Clothing fashion is something that everyone wants to own. It creates a statement and defines one’s personality and creates an image for the person. Although High prices of branded clothing have made branded apparel a dream for common people, but at the same time the huge increase in premium of branded items have opened new doors for quality products at affordable prices.

When it comes to buying these clothes for men, a lot of things are to be considered. Firstly we have to look at the style. Men’s designer clothes should have that uniqueness and type of style that normally will suite his preference. Secondly we have to consider the quality of the materials, as some men prefer quality over style. The last thing would be the price. There are some men who are more cautious with price, because they are on a tight budget. They want quality and as long as style is also present. This is a challenge to designers to manufacture men’s clothes with style, quality and yet in an affordable price. This is the reason why Noble Brands 4 Less has come up with creatively designed clothing brands, which can match with their personalities, which eventually enhances their status and gives them more confidence amongst themselves. You can only imagine with the elegant and classy look you will get while wearing them, as they will transform your personality and standard. Making a unique statement, amongst your family and friends.
Noble Brands 4 Less offers a huge variety. One must remember that such clothes need a personality to carry them. One has to make sure, that they purchase these clothes not just because of brands, but because they look good on them. You can get almost all the fashion brands like Gucci, Armani, Tommy Hilfiger, Burberry, Ralph Lauren and many other famous brands on very cheap prices.

The above feature is written by fashion trend setter settled at noblebrands4less.com, an online mall for different kinds of designer clothing brands such as Armani, Versace, Hugo Boss, Gucci and many more.

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All You Need To Know About Skin Facial Peels

By: Jesus Monroy
There has been a great emergence of companies dedicated to skin care. With that, there are also a lot more spas that offer skin facial peels to their clients. In past years, skin facial peels were seen to be exclusive to only people who could afford expensive spa treatments. However, in this day and age, anyone can get a skin facial peel as they have become more affordable. Skin facial peels are essential in battling ailments such as sunburn, acne and even the premature aging of skin.
Skin facial peels are used to remove the dead skin cells that have accumulated on the top layer of the skin over time. The skin facial peels contain ingredients that are used not only to combat the effect of the unhealthy skin cells but to also give you a smooth complexion. Most of the skin facial peels contain ingredients such as retinol which are effective in increasing one’s collagen. Other ingredients such as trichloracetic acid, which is more commonly known by its layman’s name TCA, are also found in small doses so that the skin facial peels are safe enough to be used at home.
There are different categories of skin facial peels. These categories depend on the extent of skin damage one would want to correct. The deep skin facial peels are used to correct deep scarring or intense damage that the skin may have suffered. Although you can purchase deep skin facial peels to use at home, it is always highly advised that you leave these to be administered by professionals. Deep skin facial peels also need a longer healing period. Thus it is never advisable to use them regularly as you may end up damaging your skin even more. The other category of skin facial peels is the lighter category. These facial skin peels are safe enough to be used regularly. Although you may not see drastic results as with the deep skin facial peels, they are much better suited for people who do not have extensive complaints regarding facial problems. They also do not have a long healing period as opposed to the deep skin facial peels.
The most common skin facial peels that are administered to clients contain malic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid and sometimes glycolic acid. These take less than five minutes to perform their duties. After having the skin facial peel applied to your face, the spa attendant will then apply a neutralizer so as to ensure you have gotten rid of all of the skin facial peel.
It does not matter what your skin damage is whether it is dryness, some blemishes or even premature skin aging. There are a plethora of skin facial peels being offered at spas to ensure that your skin gets the necessary benefits to make it smooth and supple. One should always remember though that it is not advisable to have a skin facial peel everyday. Setting an appointment with your spa monthly or fortnightly could go a long way in helping you attain the skin that you desire.

Ritter Vonali is the author of this article on Laser Hair Removal. Find more information on Brazilian Bikini here.

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Laser Treatments Are How To Lighten Black Skin

By: Tony Brazier
Laser Treatments- How to make skin light
Laser technology is a fairly new technique or technology that is being used a lot in the treatment of hyper pigmentation and for those looking into how to lighten black skin or those intent on how to make skin light. This is or can be a fairly expensive treatment that almost always involves more than one visit to the dermatologist. Laser technology is being used very successfully on the treatment of dark spots and dark skin. This treatment just as you should expect, has it's advantages and disadvantages.
Laser Treatment-Advantages

One of the most popular advantages of this laser treatment is, as some methods or treatments may take long periods before any results are seen , laser treatments are almost immediate. The dark skin will be exfoliated and this new light skin will be brought to be seen in it's place. Another advantage of this laser treatment is the clearing of blemishes. The laser helps to remove some of those unwanted blemishes. This truly is a bargain for those looking for solutions on how to lighten black skin and those looking for how to make skin light.
Laser technology and this laser treatment is one of those treatments that truly do work and do provide visible results. This is a treatment most people are glad to have spent the money on. However the prices for these treatments are reportedly not cheap.The prices for these treatments prevent most people from being able to access them.
The Comforts of Laser

These laser treatments are always done in professional offices by cosmetic or dermatologist's, so you know that you are being treated by a professional, and that provide a feeling of comfort and safety. This of course adds to the reasons to have this procedure performed if it is affordable to you. The costs can be considerable , with pre and post professional supervision being required. this is a real comfort for those seeking how to lighten black skin and also for those wanting to know how to make skin light.
There are some modest side effects from having a laser procedure performed, Now these are not really major concerns , however they are to be considered. There have been instances of inflammation , swelling and in rare instances some ares made darker. Now these issues can easily be rectified by a dermatologist with different medicines and medications indicated for inflammation or whatever the case may be.The chance for any complications are very negligible. The risks associated with these treatments are totally outweighed by the results received, there are many other treatments available also for how to lighten black skin, but the laser is one of the more sophisticated and more dependable as for as results are concerned. A very good choice for how to make skin light.

Another very new method of treatment for those who want to know how to lighten black skin or how to make skin light, is called cold light treatment. This cold light treatment is very new in the United States . It looks to be having some very promising results. It is also said to be very helpful in repairing the top layer and even deeper levels of of the skin and skin tissue. It works by delivering low intensity lasers to the area it is also had some very good results overseas with scar removal, healing of wounds and even hair regrowth.
More studies are needed, and are being conducted on the potential risks as well as the benefits of cold light therapy. What few studies that have been completed are mostly on heat therapy not cold therapy. So the boat is still out to sea on this treatment yet.Of course the FDA certainly hasn't ok'ed it either not yet anyway. At any rat there are many ways on how to lighten black skin and how to make skin light.

Go here for some amazing treatments without spending a lot of money. Once you here about these, How To Lighten Black Skin-How to make skin light treatments you will never want to try anything else. go here. how to make skin light- how to lighten black skin

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