Tips on Becoming and Leading a Celebrity Lifestyle!

Anyone can be a celebrity! That's really true!
You just need to know the strategies to pave the path for your celebrity destination. However, once you know the tricks of the trade, you need to consistently strive to
Who Is a Celebrity?
A celebrity is a person who has already attained a status in the society. A celebrity is variously known as 'glitterati', 'well-known person', or 'a person who is famous in any field, with specific importance to the field of entertainment'.
Be a Celebrity at Zero Cost
Celebrities are not only born; and celebrities are also made. You too can be a celebrity... and that too at no cost! And, believe me, you don't need any dough to achieve that status.
Then, what does it require to be a celebrity. Well, the cue is that the celebrity status is yours for the asking.
The Celebrity Price
All it requires is a bit of determination wedded to grit and to vow by the words 'Never say die!'
Such persons have attained this position owing to their concentrated dedication to their job. They have further wedded to it the added qualities of not just being a hard worker but also a smart worker.
The Role Of Celebrity
The role of a celebrity is of quite significance. This is primarily because they become the role models for thousands of others harboring the dreams of becoming celebrities. These ardent followers look up to their idols for almost every course of action. As a result, the celebrity transforms into a demigod!
Such blind faith in the ideal person makes them totally blind to all foibles of the celebrity.
Lifestyle Of Celebrities
It is against this backdrop that the lifestyles of the celebrities become the models for their follower. Obviously, all celebrities need to be on constant guard insofar as their day-to-day behavior is concerned.
Besides the role model of a celebrity, this icon is always under the scanner - not just of the media but also of his supporters as well as his detractors.
The celebrities must always endeavor to set examples to others. Most of the celebrities follow the philosophy of simple living and high thinking. Their hard and concentrated labor gets doubly reflected in their personality.
Celebrity: Combination Of Qualities
Celebrities are born out of a combination of two important qualities. These are those of being a hard worker and also a smart worker. Now what is the connotation of these terms 'hard worker' and 'smart worker'.
Well, let's try to analyze the meaning with reference to a real-life situation.
Peter, a lumberjack was employed. The person was handed over the axe and asked to saw the wood at the factory. The dedicated lumberjack took the job very seriously. He didn't even go for lunch, and didn't take the tea break. He kept on cutting the woods continuously.
As he went to collect his day's wages, the manager tendered him the papers. In other words, he was sacked after working for the scheduled eight hours at the end of the very first day. The flabbergasted lumberjack asked the manager the cause for the extreme action taken against him. The manager showed the sad and shocked lumberjack the quantity of wood cut by him and then compared it with the amounts of his compatriots.
The lumberjack failed to understand the huge gap in the results.
The reason was that the lumberjack was a really hard worker, and just a hard worker. Actually, the lumberjack didn't know how to be a smart worker.
The manager asked him a simple question, "Did you even once sharpen your axe?"
The poor lumberjack realized his folly, finally.
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The Real Truth About Celebrities

Celebrities have a mesmerizing personality charisma. Fans, followers, journalists, paparazzi and even the critics want to know each and every thing in the life of celebrities. What they are up to, where they hang out, what are the projects they are working on, why they behave like this and like that! The quest never ends. Newspapers and television programs try their best to hunt for the latest sizzling celebrity news, hot and happening celebrity photos and spicy celebrity gossips.
People are fascinated about the glamour and glory of the world of celebrities. This is the life of ease and comfort with all the amenities, name and fame; this is what they think. Fans look at their heroes as if they were the denizens from some other world or the stars descended upon the earth.
But this is only the other side of the celebrity world. Celebrities don't attain the dizzy heights of eminence overnight. Scores of years of relentless efforts, diligence and perseverance are what make a celebrity. So many compromises and adjustments they have to make. Most of the celebrities in the world have made their way through out of nothing. Sometimes they may have trampled down someone else as well to achieve what they wanted to. Even when enjoying the fruits of success, these famous personalities have to go through many ordeals.
It may be taken as a harsh fact or some may even call it the necessity of the celeb life. Many of these celebrities have at least two faces; one for a public display and the other a private one. You can get my point if you have a look at some of the exclusive celebrity pictures available.
For example a photo showing Angelina Jolie in some casual moments and the other one showing her in Kashmir (India) with simple folks or a pick capturing contemplative Charlize Theron in Johannesburg and the other one showing her in Malibu posing for paparazzi will prove the point. These celebrities too are the human beings with all feelings and sensations awake. Their public life makes them put a mask of mannerism on their faces. But actually many of these celebrities yearn for a simple quiet life.
Are these celebrities allowed a single moment privacy? Hardly they are. Always sought after by the paparazzi, they can hardly be all themselves. That's what makes them famous; but after a few years these personalities start asking themselves a grave question: "Is my life worth living?" Imagine what Lindsay Lohan must have gone through when the media went trailing her around when she was drinking and when her lose fitting halter top and a forceful breeze made her even go topless before the world. What an embarrassment for her!
The world of fashion for instance, has got its own evil face. If a model wants to elbow her way through in this field, he/ she will have to please many in every way possible. That's what is called a struggle in simple words. When we read the news about the sex scandals and mental tortures in the celebrity world, it should make this other black side visible.
The huge amassment of wealth is yet another major concern for the celebrities. How to spend this money becomes the problem. Celebrities lose their peace of mind. And then comes the news of some superstar sniffing drugs, indulging in wanton sexual pleasures or getting arrested for some illegal activities. Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Michael Jackson are proof enough.
No one is completely white or completely black. We all are gray. People make a mistake in expecting their heroes to be perfect in every possible manner. Celebrities, too, do have their own flaws and frailties. They remain unnoticed and this becomes the reason enough for someone like me to reveal the real truth about celebrities.
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Celebrity News - Why It Will Never End

Celebrity news, not to mention celebrity gossip, is avidly followed by millions worldwide. People obviously love to hear about their favourite celebrity. And whether it is good or bad news does not seem to matter too much.
There is a multimillion dollar industry that acts as the disseminator of celebrity news.
Many of us may not actually buy the celebrity magazines but we will catch a glimpse of their headlines at the local store or on the newsstands. The TV news channels will also keep us up to date with any celebrity scandals and most people will spend part of their day thinking about a particular story, however briefly.
Don't we have more important things to occupy our thoughts?
Of course we do but the, sometimes ridiculous, actions of a celebrity often provide us with some light relief and help us to forget our own mundane problems.
Some individuals are celebrity fixated or often verging on being celebrity obsessive. Is that a healthy state of mind? Does that say something negative about what we think of ourselves as individuals?
But, like it or not, the 'celebrity news gossip' is here to stay. People want to hear about the lives of the celebrities and they will hunt down the latest, news snippets wherever they can find them.
A celebrity is naturally a human being prone to all the usual failings that most of us suffer. But their professional lives often set them apart as something different, unique and special; almost as if they inhabited a totally different world to us mere mortals!
And in many ways that can make them appear unreal and two-dimensional.
But the latest celebrity gossip, those spicy, slices of information about an individual's personal life, often seem to bring our special celebrity within reach and back down to earth with a bump. We like to know just who their latest love partner is, why they have lost or gained weight or how they got drunk on that special celebrity occasion.
Celebrity pictures are now the big draw. Many of us like to see those candid photos that often seem to expose the 'real' person behind the celebrity.
So the celebrity news and the accompanying celebrity photos help us to really get to know - or so we believe - our celebrity. The personal information puts flesh on the celebrity body. We begin to see our celebrities as real people - just like us perhaps - and they start to emerge as three-dimensional entities that we can relate to and love or hate as the fancy takes us.
In the golden age of stardom, people often put their celebrity stars high up on a pedestal. Celebrity news was often officially or unofficially censored to filter out the unsavoury aspects of a person's personality or actions. Today, we want to know our celebrity warts and all!
Celebrity news is primarily entertaining but also acts as exposure and publicity. But people also love to read gossip; those words that can either be true or false.
And, as long as there are people who want celebrity news and gossip, the journalists and photographers will expend their energy finding or fabricating it for us.
Author's Note
Love it or loathe it, Celebrity News can still be fascinating.
Visit us now for the Latest Hollywood Gossip - updated on the hour - and more!

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How Celebrity is Celebrity

What really makes a celebrity a true celebrity? Is it the news coverage? The pursuit of tabloids? Perhaps sheer popularity is what drives us to call movie stars, musicians, and politicians celebrities. If that is the case, are the non-traditional stars celebrities as well?
In order to find a satisfactory answer to this dilemma, one must look for a celebrity index. has developed an algorithm to assign a value to a celebrity, much as stocks are assigned a monetary value in order for site visitors or members to build celebrity portfolio. The algorithm takes into consideration the amount and timing of news items pertaining to celebrities as well as the popularity of the celebrity as a portion of online portfolios. But does this adequately measure the amount of celebrity status an individual has achieved?
To determine this, we need to consider what celebrity actually means. The American Heritage Dictionary defines celebrity as "a famous person," or "renown, fame." That definition is very broad indeed. To be renown is to simply be well-known. Osama Bin Laden is well-known, but does not necessarily have the same following as Jessica Alba. By this definition, however, they are both celebrities.
Thus, to be a celebrity, one must be either famous or infamous, and the distinction is not relevant. By this same token, individuals who have developed a following in unconventional ways such as the internet or reality programming are certainly celebrities as well - albeit some have more global coverage than others. So to measure the amount of celebrity an individual has obtained, one would simply need to measure his or her popularity.
Measuring Popularity
Before the information age, to measure popularity would involve countless newspaper and magazine searches. Print resources as well as television and radio contained any and all celebrity news and gossip. With the advent of the internet, this changed, of course. In present times, the internet has not only opened countless doors to those aspiring to stardom, but has developed a multitude of news and gossip outlets as well.
Most of the conventional media outlets - magazines, newspapers, radio, and television have developed an online presence. Often these websites contain more information pertaining to celebrities than the original medium. Those interested in entertainment news now have almost countless methods to find the information they seek.
The fastest way to find information online, however, is through the search engines. Major search engines index all web pages and online news items as they are developed, and offer users a chance to hone in on the desired material. Searching for celebrities will pull up thousands, if not millions, of relevant results. It follows that by simply counting the number of searches and articles for each celebrity, one could understand the popularity of that individual.
Celebrity Contest
It seems the algorithm developed by holds true. The algorithm assigns value to a celebrity based on the number and age of news items and searches, which is the best indicator of popularity. Of course, the algorithm also includes results from, which are a valid indicator as well.
If a celebrity is popular, he or she will be included in many portfolios. If he is becoming blasé, he will be dropped from portfolios in favor of more popular individuals. If a celebrity is looking for a gauge of her own value, she can perform a complicated web analysis, or simply track her price changes on to understand how her fan base is feeling. Of course, fans can search for the value of their favorite celebrity, and even cash in on the details only devoted fans are privy to - insider trading if you will.
celebrity. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Retrieved October 29, 2006, from website:
For additional gossip, news, and the opportunity to buy and sell the most popular celebrities in the world today, visit []

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Celebrity Makeup Secrets: How To Get Your Best Look Ever With Celebrity Tips And Products!

Why does celebrity makeup always look so perfect?
Celebrity makeup artists have tons of tips and techniques for applying makeup that most people never heard of! Want to be one of the few in-the-know? We've gathered some great ones for you right here! Here you will learn some great makeup application secrets to get your most flattering eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, concealer, foundation, blush and lips ever
Celebrity Eyes:
Makeup artists have many tricks up their sleeves to make celebrities' eyes pop! They first put an eye shadow primer or some foundation on the eyelids, so that the eye shadow has something to hold onto. For eye shadow colors, they'll select three shades which are variations on the same color (i.e. light green, medium green, and dark green), or in the same neutral color family (i.e. beige, brown, and dark brown). They will put the lightest color on the brow bone, the medium color on the lid, and the darkest color in the crease. This will emphasize the shape of the eyes and make them stand out!
Other tricks for glammed-up, red carpet eyes include lining the lower inner rim of the eyes with a white pencil to make them appear bigger and applying shimmery clear lip gloss to the top eyelids to make eyes sparkle. Celebrity makeup artists also apply shimmer powder under the brow bone to draw more attention to the eye area and they always smude eyeliner with a Q-tip to make it look less severe or smokier.
To create cat-eyes (like Brigitte Bardot in the sixties or Pamela Anderson today), celebrity makeup artists use dark brown or black eyeliner to exaggerate the end of the eye so it turns up slightly. If you decide to go this route, remember that smudging is the key to perfecting this look!
Celebrity Eyelashes:
Celebrity makeup artists also have many secrets for eyelashes! They always curl eyelashes first to maximize length and curl. They then dust them with powder which makes the eyelashes look much thicker after the mascara is applied! Celebrity makeup artists will often use two coats of mascara, the first will be a lengthening or separating formula, and the second, a thickening formula, to max out eyelash potential! Mascara clumps are combed out between coats.
For special occasions celebrities may use false eyelashes (their secret is dark eyelash glue) or may have eyelash extensions applied which are semi-permanent variations.
Celebrity Eyebrows:
Celebrity makeup artists know that enhancing the shape of the eyebrows is one of the most dramatic ways to improve a celebrity's appearance. Celebrity makeup artists use Treezerman brand tweezers most often to shape eyebrows. They tweeze the hairs under the arch of the eyebrow to further emphasize it and pluck away any strays. Eyebrows are filled in with the feathery strokes of an eyebrow pencil in either "blonde "or "taupe" for blondes, "auburn" for redheads, and light brown or medium brown for brunettes. Only black-haired gals should fill in their eyebrows with a "dark brown" eyebrow pencil" and nobody should use a black eyebrow pencil as it looks too severe. A secret weapon of celebrity makeup artists is brow sealant, which keeps this brow look in shape all day.
Celebrity Concealer:
Amazing Concealer by Amazing Cosmetics is favored by many celebrity makeup artists. Concealer is usually applied with an eye shadow brush. It is applied in thin layers which are "built up" until the blemish is covered. Concealer typically is applied before foundation. For really red blemishes, makeup artists often use a green concealer first which tones the redness down under foundation.
Celebrity Foundation:
Laura Mercier Foundation is very popular with celebrities. Foundation is usually applied by celebrity makeup artists with a sponge for the most natural looking coverage. Celebrity makeup artists use a foundation primer which is worn between your moisturizer and your foundation. This product refines the skin and helps foundation stay in place all day. If you can't spring just yet for celebrity products, try Revlon's Color Stay Foundation with Soft-flex, which stays in place all day and comes in an extensive variety of shades.
Celebrity Powder:
Celebrity makeup artists almost always use loose powder in a translucent or skin matching shade. They will apply it with a puff and then dust it away with a big brush, or will apply it with the big brush, being sure to shake off any excess first. Then the celebrity will carry around a pressed powder or blotting papers in her evening bag for touch ups. Some celebrities skip powder all together for their dry skinned clients. Powder is great for keeping foundation in place for the longest period of time, however.
Celebrity Blush:
Nars and Stila blushes are very popular with celebrity makeup artists. While these are powder blushes, there are other makeup artists who prefer gel blush because of the dewy, healthy glow it imparts. Blush is never applied with anything but a big, fluffy brush. It is applied on the apples of the cheeks in circles, or is swept from the apples to the hair line. Shimmery blushes like Nars blush in Torrid can make the cheeks appear to be glowing, according to celebrity fans.
Celebrity Lips:
MAC lipliner in Spice is the shade thought to most closely resemble natural lip color for most people and is a favorite of celebrity makeup artists. Celebrities often use lip-plumping products like City Lips and LipFusion which have both won awards from Good Housekeeping! Lip gloss is applied at least to the center of the bottom lip to make it look fuller.
Sara Liz, M.A. is the Editor-in-Chief for Visit for tons more celebrity beauty secrets for your body, hair, makeup, nails, skin, style, and weight-loss.

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